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southern plate

Easy Chocolate Cobbler

Get The Recipe[{"selector":"#anim-be44f348-e0ba-462b-b781-f5717e84a318","keyframes":[{"transform":"scale(1)","offset":0},{"transform":"scale(1.01)","offset":0.33},{"transform":"scale(0.999)","offset":0.66},{"transform":"scale(1)","offset":1}],"delay":0,"duration":3000,"easing":"ease-in-out","fill":"both","iterations":1}]

What You Need to Make Easy Chocolate Cobbler

– Flour – Cocoa – Brown sugar – Milk – Vanilla

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Mix together the dry ingredients then add your wet ingredients.


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Mix together really well and pour into a baking dish.


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Mix together the remaining brown sugar and cocoa powder. Sprinkle over the top of the batter.


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Then pour hot tap water, very slowly, over the dry mixture and batter. Bake at 350 degrees. Remove from oven and enjoy!


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