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southern plate

Strawberry Frosted Cookies

Get The Recipe[{"selector":"#anim-ffefb51f-18b1-4b05-b37a-13c76ab8995e","keyframes":[{"transform":"scale(1)","offset":0},{"transform":"scale(1.01)","offset":0.33},{"transform":"scale(0.999)","offset":0.66},{"transform":"scale(1)","offset":1}],"delay":0,"duration":3000,"easing":"ease-in-out","fill":"both","iterations":1}]

What You Need to Make Strawberry Frosted Cookies

– Sugar – Baking powder – Strawberries – Butter – Strawberry extract

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In a large bowl, mix items for cookies until dough is formed.


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Make balls of dough, flatten out to about a 1/2 inch thick and bake.


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Place strawberries and other items in food processor and pulse until smooth.


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Spoon icing over cookies and let cool til the tops harden.


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