Paula Deen’s quote about Southern Plate!

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A few months back we were on a family trip and setting off on a long walk back to the hotel. The kids were kind of quiet after a day of fun and so I thought I’d check my email on my phone as we walked together. An email from my editor with the subject line “Paula Deen LOVES Southern Plate” popped up and my eyes just about popped out of my head! “Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness” was all I could manage to say as I clicked to open it.

My husband was at my side in an instant, “What? What’s wrong?” to which I replied with more “Oh my goodness!” as my voice grew even louder. Finally, I looked up with a face white as a sheet. “Paula Deen read my book.”

To which he started in with his string of “Oh my goodness”. We all stopped on a street corner as I read the quote to them, and my entire family began jumping up and down excited, with me in tears at what an amazing honor this was.

I’m thrilled to be able to share the quote from Miss Paula with you today!

“The recipes in Southern Plate made my mouth


I have never heard of any other school serving

peanut butter balls, except for mine- and that was

45 years ago! This wonderful cookbook made me

feel like I was reading something of my own.”

— Paula Deen

You can all imagine how honored and beside myself I am at Miss Paula’s graciousness! A big hug to everyone in the Southern Plate family for helping to make this happen and a huge thank you to Miss Paula, a legend in any Southern cooks mind!

The next few weeks are going to be filled with even more exciting news for the whole Southern Plate Family so stay tuned and please know that I am so very grateful to all of you!



The Southern Plate cookbook will be released on October 5th. Pre-order your copy below!

All pre-orders count towards the first week sales numbers.

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  1. I am so excited for you! I love Paula Deen but have to watch which recipes of hers I use. Not that I don’t love butter and deep frying.
    I wish the very best for you with your new book. And maybe someday we will be watching you on TV. Won’t that be great!

  2. When I ordered your cook book from a few weeks ago, they had Paula’s quote on their site and I wondered how you had reacted to it. I’m so glad all of you were together to share the experience at the same time!!! We are so proud of you and excited for your success and all the opportunities it has brought (and will continue to bring) to you and your family. Can hardly wait to get my hands on that cookbook!!!!!

  3. Maybe Paula will reccomend you to have your own show on food network. Wouldn’t that be great? Then we could watch you every week. Go Christy!

  4. Oh my gosh! Christy, I am so excited for you! I love Ms. Deen – even though it seems like all of her recipes calls for either ten pounds of butter or to be deep fried.

    It’s been a crazy six months – but we’re finally settled in our new apartment, my husband has what appears to be a good job (low paying, but it pays the bills). I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long! I really do appreciate all of the support you’ve shown me.

    Guess what I found at Salvation Army a week ago! An Excalibur-brand food dehydrator. These suckers sell for around $250 – I got it for $9.99. It’s awesome! It’s bulky and takes up way too much space in our small kitchen, but I don’t think I could ever live without it.

  5. ~jumping up and down with excitement (and squealing some too)~ what a sweet quote from Miss Paula…I’m just pleased as punch!

    Bountiful Blessings and hugs to you!

  6. Christy, that is sooooooo exciting!!!! Ah, to have the queen’s stamp of approval – you must be on cloud nine+ !!!!! So proud of and for you! Thanks for all you share with us and for all the inspiration!!!

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