Pledge To Drink More Water With Me For A Chance At $500 from Crystal Light!

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Life isn’t slowing down for anyone. My own life seems to have the fast forward button permanently pushed in and with trying to keep up with work, my house, and the ever blossoming social life of my kids, most mornings it seems like my day has started without me and I have to hit the ground running just to avoid being left in the dust.

Since we can’t slow our lives down (I’m gonna assume you have all tried just as I have!), our other option is to try to be in our best form. One of the key ways to do this is also one that is so simple it is often completely overlooked – especially by folks like me who have a habit of grabbing a drink from the fridge and paying little attention to how many tin cans pass through my hands during the course of the day. Ready for it?




Seriously, it can be that easy. Need more motivation? These figures made me really sit back and think:

50-75% of our bodies are made up of water

Blood is 95% water

Skin is 70% water

Our brain is made up of 75-80% water

(THAT’S where all my brain cells have been going, they’ve been dying of thirst!)

~blinks and picks her jaw up off the floor~

Wow. Please hold while I go drink a glass and issue a formal apology to my body…

Did you also know that being dehydrated (which I can pretty much guarantee I am right now) can cause joint pain, lethargy, and irritability? Drinking enough water can help eliminate all of these problems and add more benefits such as improved concentration, too! It’s simple really, our bodies function on water, rely on water, and when we don’t give them enough water we can hit some substantial ruts.

So why don’t we drink enough water? Well I have one complaint about water. It tastes like…umm…water. Seriously. Can you get more blah?

This is where Crystal Light comes in. ~smiles brightly~

I’ve been a Crystal Light drinker ever since it first came out. That was back when Linda Evans did the commercials (We followed Dynasty, too). Honestly, Crystal Light is about the only time I do drink water, but I still haven’t been drinking enough – not by a long shot. Did you know, though, that people who drink Crystal Light ended up drinking an average of 20% more water than folks who just drank their water plain?

At this point in my life, I could use a little high performance and I think drinking more water might be just the boost I need to help me accomplish my goal of feeding the world homemade banana pudding.

So for the next week, here’s the drill










Come on in, the waters fine!

Join me in pledging to drink more water.

Leave a comment below with your own pledge for a chance to win

a $500 Visa Gift Card from Crystal Light!

After you make your pledge, join me back here next week to read about

my progress and tell me about yours for a chance to win another $500

dollar Visa Gift Card!

It has been a pleasure bringing you this post, sponsored by Crystal Light.

For a delicious Crystal Light recipe, check out my StrawberryAde!

*Winners will be chosen at random from among comments on each post.


  1. I, too, pledge to drink more water. Being hydrated is so important for our bodies. I really do try to drink the required amount. We have trouble with our elderly parents, getting them to drink enough water. I found that a filter pitcher helped improve the taste of our city water. We need plenty of water year round, not just the summer when you’re hot & sweaty from work and summertime activities.

  2. Believe it or not…I’ve never tried Crystal Light! Sounds like this would be a great time to try it. I pledge to drink more water and try Crystal Light!

  3. I love the new Green Tea Peach Mango this summer….it is so much better than plain water and hopefully helps the body!!! I could also use a little money to dress up my new motorcycle!!!

    Thanks for all you do at Southern Plate!!!

  4. I love Crystal Light, I like the Fruit Punch. I keep a pitcher in my office and my entire staff takes turn making the Crystal Light.

    Thanks for reminding us to take better care of our bodies.

  5. My family of five loves crystal lite. There is a guy at work that calls me Crystal Lite–Christa is my name. We would love to have this oh and I’ve got a recipe to share also using the peach tea…

    Christa’s Peach Tea

    1 container of Crystal Lite peach tea
    dissolve it in two cups of warm water

    add 1 cup of white grape peach juice–sam’s club sold at walmart cheaper than welches

    add 1 cup of orange juice–any brand you like

    add 2 cups of water to make a half gallon

    this is awesome–your family will love it like mine!!!

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